NEFT / IFSC code of SBI credit card payment

Online payment for SBI credit cards is a very quick, easy and less time consuming process. But for online credit card payments payments through NEFT you need to know the account holders name, NEFT / IFSC code of the credit card provider and the account number. The account number is the credit card number printed on the credit card. The account name is your name as printed on your SBI credit card. The NEFT / IFSCcode for SBI ( State bank of India  credit card payments is SBIN00CARDS

Step by step guide for SBI credit card payment through NEFT / IFSC

  1. Log-on to your bank account online with your bank (any bank may be ICICI, HDFC, SBI or any other bank)
  2.  Go tothe option  transfer funds to third party
  3. Add payee with the following details
  • Payee Name: Credit Card member’s Name ( as printed on your SBI Credit Card)
  • Payee Account Number : Enter your 16 digit credit card number (as printed on your Card)
  • Pyyee Account address / Branch address: Payment Systems Group, State Bank GITC, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai
  • Payee Account Type: Select Any

Once your Payee is registered you can pay your SBI credit card payment through NEFT. Normal NEFT cutoff timings and NEFT holidays ( including Sunday’s)  are applicable for credit card payments also.